Rome Candle


Fall in love with Rome , as we step out onto the streets of Rome we are hit with history and steps of ancient times. The memories and depth of this City are deep .

Capturing the scent in a candle taking you back to it’s origins is the stunning Fig with blackberry, citrus and plums. You will fall in love with the Rome candle at first sight and first smell

  • Plum Merlot, Juicy Blackberry and Sparkling Citrus Velvet Fig,
  • Apricot, Apple Blossom and Osmanthus
    Sandalwood, Creamy Musk and Vanilla.
  • Coconut and fig alongside green bamboo,
  • seagrass, orange flower and vetiver.


This Rome Candle is just so delicious

Fig , blackberry, bamboo, sweet and sour infused together to make a delicious dream .




From the Italian Tribune. 

Botanical archeologists believe that the fig was the first crop to be cultivated by humans, going back over 11,000 years, a millennium before man planted legumes, wheat or barley. The fig appears throughout the Bible, beginning with Adam and Eve, who used fig leaves to cover themselves and it is likely that the Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden was a fig and not an apple.

Figs are intertwined in many ways with the history of Italy. Symbolically, the fruit is included in the legend of the founding of Rome. When Romulus and Remus were placed into a basket that was cast into the Tiber River, they survived when the basket came to rest beneath…you guessed it – a fig tree! Figs were a common food for Romans.

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    • Plum Merlot, Juicy Blackberry and Sparkling Citrus Velvet Fig,
    • Apricot, Apple Blossom and Osmanthus
      Sandalwood, Creamy Musk and Vanilla.
    • Coconut and fig alongside green bamboo,
    • seagrass, orange flower and vetiver.

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